Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ghosts Have Been a Part of Humanity Since Ancient Times

Most people know of at least one ghost story that has been told as being true within their family. Many of us even remember living near a haunted house when we were young. As children we tend to believe these ghost stories are real, but by the time we grow up we often consider ghosts to be as mythical as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or the Great Pumpkin.

Humans have always been both fascinated and afraid of the unknown. Even during ancient times people experienced encounters with the paranormal and shared their stories with others.

I have excessivly enthused over ghost stories and ghost movies since my young age .... Mummy had always disallowed me to get closer with these things as she thought I might not be able to sleep at night after watching or listening to these stories..Hmmm she was quite right.Okay, as much as I am freaked out by ghosts and ghosts stories one of my friends turned me onto tis site called "Malaysian Ghost research".It is reali cool and has a country by country, state by state,city by city listing of haunted places.If you would like to find out about haunted places close to u or watever, tis is the place fore u.The website is Trust me it is worth your time to check it out !~~~ Maybe ur nextdoor house is haunted ..who knows~~Haha ........

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